الصفحة الرئيسية الشركة التجديد عودة الدخول
Huizhou City Huasheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
الوقت :2008
طريق الاتصال
ليس لك تصفح الحق، من فضلك رفعت الرتبة العضو
تعريف الشركة
Huizhou City Huasheng Energy Technology Co., Ltd., headquartered in Huizhou sad Kai national high-tech industry technology park, is a company specializing in energy-saving lighting product development, production, sales and service of high-tech enterprises, is generation of energy-saving lighting products into the market to guide and pioneer. Huasheng T5 fluorescent lamps long life project located in China Lighting brand base - Huizhou City, was listed as National High-Tech Development Zone Zhon

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عودة التجديد WAP الرئيسية طبعة الموقع الدخول
05/02 17:59