تجميع الصفحة | اعتبار الصفحة الرئيسية | رأي كما تشاء
عضو عادي

Zhejiang Group cohesion

Machinery and equipment manufacturing, industrial electronics, integrated services, LED high-power special lighting, LED backlight large-scale

أنواع المنتجات
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تعرف الشركة
About Zhejiang Juli Group is a mechanical equipment manufacturing, industrial electronics, integrated services, joint-stock industry groups, are fully in line with the arrival of groups of LED light era. Decided to set up LED Division, the main production of special high-power LED lighting, LED backlight and other large products, current Recruitment world of excellence, and seek common development, people's purpose is to gather force, business development and personal development is synchronized, the enterprise interests and personal interests are the same, the fate and future are interlinked individuals. Truly modern business sector, 4M + E ((Man who, Machine Machine, Material material, Method method Environment Environment)) production management philosophy. Reflect the personal values ​​of the platform.
ملف الشركة
اسم الشركة: Zhejiang Group cohesion نوع الشركة: State-owned enterprises (Production)
مقر: نطاق الشركة: Less than 5
أموال التسجيل: 0سقيمRMB تاريح التسجيل:
معطيات التحقق:
نموذج أعمال التجارة: Production
مجال الاشتغال: Machinery and equipment manufacturing, industrial electronics, integrated services, LED high-power special lighting, LED backlight large-scale
منتجات المبيعات: Machinery and equipment manufacturing, industrial electronics, integrated services, LED high-power special lighting, LED backlight large-scale
مهنة أعمال التجارة:
مجموع0مادة  النقد المعنية