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Hunan Xin Ya Sheng Technology Development Co., Ltd.

LED display

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موقع حاليا:الصفحة الرئيسية » تقديم المنتجات » Changsha ledP16 outdoor color display
Changsha ledP16 outdoor color display
نقر الأجل نظرت صورة كبيرة
المنتجات / الخدمات: مرات التصفح:408Changsha ledP16 outdoor color display 
النموذج: 详见公司网站 
المواصفة: 详见公司网站 
سعر الوحدة: 888888 يوان/A  استفسار الأسعار
أصغر كمية الطلب:   الطلب
كمية التزويد الإجمالي: 100 A
موعد التسليم: نرتب الشحن خلال يوما بعد الدفع
وقت التجديد: 2011-03-22  ساري المفعول لمدة:الساري المفعول اطويل

«السابق     التالي»
معلومات التفصيل

Changsha ledP16 outdoor color display

Outdoor dual color LED display features:
1, Our company specializes in producing outdoor display to completely waterproof design, with high efficiency, light quality, rich colors, the color is good, low maintenance cost, small size, easy installation, anti-vibration characteristics;
2, High brightness: high brightness LED, long distance is still clearly visible; effect: non-linear correction, the image clearer, stronger sense of hierarchy;
3 Good effect: non-linear correction, the image clearer, stronger sense of hierarchy;
4, the reliability: The static scan technology and module design, higher reliability and stability;
5, Diversified display modes: support for multiple display modes;
6, can be achieved off-line operation, large amount of information stored; or synchronous control technology, VGA monitor and synchronize the contents of the corresponding large-screen display;
7, an outdoor dual-color LED display screen can display a variety of graphics, text and other information. Smooth surface shows uniform brightness is good, display is equipped with dozens of clear and stable circulation;

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